Funding Source and Objective

Department of Agriculture (DOA) Australia collaborating with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia is the funding source aimed to improve the safe trade in plants and plant products. Nature of the above consultancy is an introduction of an electronic phytosanitary (ePhyto) certificate issuing system for trustable and secured exchange of phytosanitary documentation on the plant products in international trade of Sri Lanka.

Contract Agreement No : ABN 2411 0308 5695
Contract Value: LKR 19,195,750
Contract Period : June 2019 to June 2022

Contract Objective

The requirement of an ‘ePhyto’ electronic version of the information contained in a phytosanitary certificate whereas the “Hub” is the web-based system used by 28 countries to exchange ePhytos using a single harmonized communication protocol. GeNS is an online system that allows developing countries without their own national systems to produce, send and receive electronic certificates from the Hub.
Continuance of the project have been committed by six countries including Sri Lanka, (Ecuador; Egypt; Ghana; Guatemala; Samoa) to participate as National Systems using GeNS as pilot countries. Eight countries (Australia; Chile; China; Kenya; The Republic of Korea; The Netherlands; New Zealand; USA), have confirmed their willingness to participate in piloting the hub with existing national systems.

Final Out

Final achievement of this project is to implementation of the Electronic phytosanitary certification system as an advanced information management system to increase efficiency, traceability and avoid fraudulence of plant quarantine system by replacing the existing paper-based system. In order to ascertain the value of this project, Beneficial Analysis Research also being conducted. Accordingly, study of the cost-benefit analysis and economic valuation of other non-financial benefits with the implementation of ePhytos, also being conducted.

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