Funding Source and Objective

The French Development Agency (AFD) is the funding agency for Mundeni Aru River Basin Development Project (MARBDP). However, government of Sri Lanka is funding for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study.

The objective of the EIA study is to determine the significant environmental impacts of the proposed project and to propose mitigatory measures for significant environmental issues.

The MARBDP in Batticaloa and Ampara Districts consists of construction of two multipurpose reservoirs:

1.Maha Oya reservoir, in the upstream part of the basin, in Ampara District, across the Maya Oya which is a tributary of the Mundeni Aru. The capacity of the reservoir will be 80 MCM with a 1.2km length of an earthen dam.

2.Construct a concrete weir of height about 2-3 meters with a control gate system and a bridge over the anicut connecting both existing Rugam and Kithul Wewa dam embankments and construct a combined reservoir with a capacity of 58 MCM.

The benefits of the project will be increased flood protection, provide irrigation water to 8000 Acres of existing and 8000 Acres of new lands from Rugam-Kithul reservoir and 12 MCM allocation for domestic water supply to the downstream areas.

Contract Agreement No. :  ENV/2017/03
Contract Value : LKR 4,930,112.00
Contract Period :   September 2017 to September 2019 (Still ongoing due to government policy changes)

Contract Objective

Main objective of this EIA assignment is to study the baseline condition of MARBDP area, identify physical, biological and social impacts that will arise construction and operational phases of the project, analyze and evaluate positive and negative environmental impacts, propose mitigatory measures for the significant negative impacts, carry out extended cost benefit analysis and prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for pre and post construction activities of the project.

Final Output

Prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report to assess the environmental feasibility of the project by assessing potential long-term and short-term adverse environmental and social impacts that may arise due to the proposed project. Provide recommendations for the project implementation with appropriate mitigation measures and proper monitoring.

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