Funding Source and Objective
Government of Sri Lanka is the funding source for this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study to determine the significant environmental impacts of the proposed Kumbukkan Oya reservoir development project in Moneragala District. The Kumbukkan Oya reservoir project will be established across Kumbukkan Oya, near Nakkala town at a point upstream of the confluence of Bellan Oya with the main Kumbukkan Oya. The main objective of the proposed project is to address both irrigation and potable water deficits faced by the people in Moneragala District and to contribute green energy to the national grid. The key benefits of the project are to provide irrigation facilities to 9440 Acres of new lands, increasing the cropping intensity up to 2.0 of 3,975 Acres of existing lands identified in the Buttala, Monaragala and Siyambalanduwa divisional secretary areas. Providing 12 MCM of water annually to meet the drinking water needs of the Monaragala, Nakkala, Kumbukkama, Okkampitiya and Buttala areas and generation of 16 GWh of electricity, annually.
Contract Agreement No.: ENV/2017/02
Total Cost : LKR 5,499,000.00
Contract Period : September 2017 To September 2018
(Extended Till September 2023 Due To Policy Level Modifications)
Contract Objective
Main objective of this EIA assignment is to study the baseline condition of Kumbukkan Oya project area, identify physical, biological and social impacts that will arise construction and operational phases of this project, analyze and evaluate positive and negative environmental impacts, propose mitigatory measures for the significant negative impacts, carry out environmental cost benefit analysis and prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for pre and post construction activities of the project.
Final Output
Prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report to assess the environmental feasibility of the project by evaluating potential long-term and short-term adverse environmental and social impacts that may arise due to the proposed project. Provide recommendations for the project implementation with appropriate mitigation measures and proper monitoring.