Funding Source and Objective
The World Bank is financing US$ 58.63 Mn for implementing the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), in five provinces and seven districts (Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Moneragla, Matale, Baticaloa, Jaffna and Mulative) of Sri Lanka.
World Bank funded Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is to demonstrate agriculture modernization, having ‘designed, established, operated, managed Agriculture Technology Demonstration Parks (ATDPs) that are to be transferred to Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)’ by the main consultant FCG ANZDEC LIMITED, who performs as the International Service Provider (ISP) whereas Infotechs-IDEAS (Pvt) Ltd., acts as the National Counterpart of the ISP. The Agriculture Demonstration Parks (ATDPs) supporting the international demonstration and scale up of innovative agriculture packages that are not available yet or practiced by small farmers and producer organizations.
ASMP has allocated USD 30 million for the consultancy, which comprises of international and national experts in establishing ATDPs following market driven cluster development approach. The project is being implemented from 2019 to 2021.
Contract Partners:
International Consultant:
FCG ANZDEC Limited, New Zealand
National Consultant:
Infotechs IDEAS (Pvt) Limited
Contract Value : LKR 218,833,410.00
Contract Period: October 2019 to December 2023
Contract Scope
Transformation of conventional subsistence agriculture towards modern agribusiness appropriate technologies. Accordingly, each district will have 3 clusters covering 10-15 villages while engaging 14,000 farmers in all 7 districts overall. Each cluster will be modernized by establishing and developing Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). These are required to achieve economies of scales in production, value addition and exports. All these endeavors have to be market driven and efficient production systems, utilizing technical and other support services.
Inputs of key experts of international and national level mainly focusing on Institution Development (ID), Agricultural Production (AP) and Value Chain Development (VCD). These experts’ efforts are supplemented with non-key experts at the national level and coordinated at the fields level by 07 District Coordinators and 21 Cluster coordinators.
Final Outcome
To transform poverty towards prosperity of farmer communities. Mechanism of achieving this goal is Integrated Value Chain Development to Sri Lankan Agriculture, demonstrating agriculture diversification and technology improvement for production and post-harvest processes for higher value-added products and better market linkages and profit generation from modernized agriculture.