No Project Name Funding Agency Client Partner Organization Contact Period Contract Value (LKR)
1 Study on Minipe/Nagadeepa Project -Drinking water Supply Facilities Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) N/A Dec 2001 –    Feb 2002 402,000.00
2 Consultancy Services for Social Assessment and Preparation of Livelihood Support Assistance Plan for Rehabilitation of Mahavilachchiya Dam The World Bank Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning Project N/A Nov 2014 – May 2017 11,056,500.00
3 Review of existing soil and Ground water and property transfer regulations/legislation, clean-up standards, spill/leak reporting requirements and enforcement powers/capabilities for Sri Lanka BP Australia Pty Ltd. BP Australia Pty Ltd. URS Australia Pty, Ltd Dec 2006 –   Jan 2007 USD 830.00
4 Water Resources Mapping in Ampara District Oxfam GB Oxfam GB N/A Apr 2008 –    Nov 2008 3,447,125.00
5 Update of review of Existing soil and ground water and property transfer regulations/ legislations, clean-up standards, spills/ leak reporting required and enforcement power/capabilities for Sri Lanka BP Australia Pty Ltd. BP Australia Pty Ltd. URS Australia Pty Limited Feb 2008 – Mar 2008 USD 1,320.00
6 Lunawa Environment Improvement and Community Development Project GoSL Ministry of Urban and Sacred Area Development NJS Consultants Co.Ltd, Ceywater Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd Mar 2008 – Apr 2010 17,478,000.00
7 Kenana and Rahad II Irrigation Project and Merowe Irrigation Projects – Review of Previous Investigations and Preparation of Tender Design and Documents, Sudan The World Bank Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sudan Lahmeyer International GmbH (The Infotechs IDEAS provided the experts to Lahmeyer International GmbH) Jan 2010 –   Dec 2016 USD 265,225.00
Euro 167,000.00
8 Eastern Province Water Supply Development Project GoSL Department of National Planning Ceywater Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd, Integrated Development Consultants (pvt.) Ltd Oct 2010 – July 2013 USD 1,050,000.00
9 Sub Consultancy Services on Modification to Configuration of Moragahakanda-Kalu Ganga (M-K) Projects to Integrate NCP Canal Project Layout GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2012-April 2013 11,496,678.00
10 Sub Consultancy Services on Feasibility Studies and Detailed Designs of Raising/ Modifications to Minipe Anicut and Rehabilitation of Minipe Left Bank Canal GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2012 –   Apr 2013 15,781,657.00
11 Sub Consultancy Services on Feasibility Study on Proposed Randenigala- Kalu Ganga Transfer Canal Complex Enroute Hasalaka and Heen Ganga together with Lower Uma Oya Complexes with a Comprehensive Hydrological/ Water Balance Study GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2012 –   Apr 2014 20,755,942.00
12 Sub Consultancy services on feasibility studies of diversion of Mahaweli water to upper Mi oya and Hakwatuna   oya basins in Kurunegala District via Existing Bowatenna Tunnel GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2012 –   Oct 2013 17,122,521.00
13 Social Safeguard Management Programme for Usgala Siyabalangamuwa Dam The World Bank Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management N/A Aug 2010 – Jan 2013 12,506,500.00
14 Kalu Ganga – Moragahakanda Transfer Systems and Upper Elahera Canal link with NCP Canal IIPL Engineering Consultants (Pvt) LTD N/A Oct 2012- Jan 2013 800,000
15 Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Consulting Services for Design and Construction Supervision for Iranamadu Headworks) ADB Irrigation Department, Northern Provincial Council Infotechs IDEAS is the Lead firm in association with H.B.Consultants, Bangladesh Dec 2012 – Oct 2018 59,964,552.00
16 Lower Nzoia Irrigation Development Project Phase I & II The World Bank Kenyan Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MOWI) Lahmeyer International GmbH (The Infotechs IDEAS provided the experts to Lahmeyer International GmbH) Jun 2013 – Aug 2013 USD 7,350.00
17 Implementation Support of Consultant (ISC) for Improvement of Flood Mitigation Structures (IFMS) on Lower Nzoia River and Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project (LNIP) Phase 1 Government of Kenya/ World Bank Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Kenya Lahmeyer International GmbH (The Infotechs IDEAS provided the experts to Lahmeyer International GmbH) Oct 2016 – May 2017 Euro 38,950.00
18 1. Feasibility Study of NCP Canal Trace to Incorporate Storages, Turnout Structures to Feed Command Area Cascades, Sizing of Canal and Conceptual Development Proposal for a Selected Cascade System in Malpwathuoya Basin GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Mar 2014 – Oct 2015 27,859,170.00
2. Feasibility Study of Improvements/ Modifications to Huruluwwa Dam and Appurtenances and Feasibility Studies and Detailed Designs of the Proposed New Anicut and Improvements to the Existing Anicut (Ilukwewa and Ellapothana) Across Yan Oya
19 Sub Consultancy Services for Review Feasibility Study of Gin-Nilwala Ganga Diversion Project GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd April 2014 -Aug 2014 4,178,910.00
20 Social Assessment and Preparation of Livelihood – Support Assistance Plan for Rehabilitation of Mahawilachchiya Dam (Dam safety and Water Resources Planning Project) World Bank Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management N/A Nov 2014 – May 2017 11,056,500.00
21 Feasibility Study of Kalinganuwara-Angamedilla-Elahera-Minneriya-Yoda Ela pumping Project GoSL Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Apr 2015 – Aug 2015 6,748,910.00
22 Sub Consultancy Service on The Study of Water Resources Development for Supply of Irrigation and Drinking Water Requirement within Northern Province GoSL Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd May 2016 – Dec 2017 26,896,816.00
23 Assessing and integrating Climate change impacts into the water resources management plans for Brantas and Musi River Basins in Indonesia Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan International Cooperation Agency Nippon KOEI Co.Ltd Nov 2017- March 2018 2,077,500.00
24 Sub Consultancy Services on Review of Project Proposal for Lower Uma Oya Reservoir by Synohydro Corporation Limited GoSL Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2017 – June 2017 5,504,500.00
25 Surveying and Designing of Upgrading Habarawatta Cascade System Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A May 2017 – Aug 2017 12,274,050.00
26 Surveying & Design, Construction Designs, Construction Supervision and Quality Assurance Services of Palugaswewa Cascade in Palugaswewa DS Division in Anuradhapura District Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A Aug 2017 – May 2020 18,117,000.00
27 Survey, Design and Construction Supervision of the upgrading of Village Irrigation Systems in Thudduvakaikulam Cascade in Vauniya/Anuradhapura District – LOT 1 Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A Feb-2018 – Oct 2021 45,288,200.00
28 Provision of Professional Staff for the Feasibility Study for Yatimahana Reservoir in Maha Oya Basin GoSL National Water Supply and Drainage Board Prime Contractor – Mahaweli Consulting Bureau (Pvt) Ltd May 2018 – Aug 2019 8,336,250.00
29 Survey, Design and Construction Supervision of the upgrading of Village Irrigation Systems in Mamunugama and Anguruwella Cascades in Kurunegala District Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A Oct 2018 – Nov 2020 25,500,250.00
30 Feasibility Study for the Development of Water Resources in Yala and Lunugamwehera National Parks World Bank Project Director, Ecosystems Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP) N/A Nov 2018 – Nov 2019 8,503,675.00
31 Survey, Design and Construction Supervision of the upgrading of Village Irrigation Systems in Aluth Halmillewa Cascades in Anuradhapura District Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A Jan 2019 – Mar 2023 32,318,550.00
32 Surveys & Designs, Construction Supervision of the upgrading of Village Irrigation Cascade Systems in Kumbuk Wewa Cascade and Etha Bendi Wewa Cascade in Trincomalee District Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A June 2020 -Dec 2022 44,918,750.00
33 Surveys & Designs, Construction Supervision of the upgrading of Village Irrigation Cascade Systems in Divul Wewa Cascade and Sinnakunchukkulam Cascade in Anuradhapura and Mannar District Green Climate Fund UNDP N/A June 2020 -June 2022 42,765,850.00
34 Updating the Technical Guideline for Irrigation Works of the Irrigation Department United Nations Development Program, Sri Lanka United Nations Development Program, Sri Lanka N/A Nov 2020 – Jul 2021 9,050,000.00
35 Prioritization of river basins for integrated management, preparing a Water Resources Database, and drafting a Strategic Plan for Water Resources Development & Management in 2020-2025 United Nations Development Program, Sri Lanka United Nations Development Program, Sri Lanka N/A Jan 2021 – Feb 2022 9,983,750.00
36 Updating the feasibility study of Gin-Nilwala Diversion Project China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd N/A Aug 2021 -June 2022 25,029,000
37 Development scenarios under climate change in the Malwathu Oya West Sub Catchment of Malwathu River Basin in Anuradhapura District and validation Government of Germany Department of Irrigation in Sri Lanka together with FAO N/A Nov 2021 – July 2022 6,236,500.00
38 Consultancy Service for Inspection, Identification of Defects and Repair Works of Siphon from 3+950 Km To 4+330 Km of Walawa RB Main Canal Across Rakwana Ganga World Bank Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project (IWWRMP) under Ministry of Irrigation N/A November 2022 – August 2023 LKR 17,120,165.00
39 Rehabilitation of Drainage Canal in Negombo Municipal Area (Kurana to Hamilton Canal 7.1km) GoSL Negombo Municipal Council N/A Feb 2022 – Mar 2024 LKR 6,824,375.00
40 Rehabilitation of Drainage Canal in Negombo Municipal Area (Sumithuru Mawatha to Hamilton Canal 4.2 Km) GoSL Negombo Municipal Council N/A Feb 2022 – Mar 2024 LKR 3,225,625.00


No Project Name Funding Agency Client Partner Organization Contract Period Contract Value
1 Sri Lanka Coastal Resource Management Project ADB ADB Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents, Inc., Philippines was the lead firm in association with Infotechs IDEAS. Oct 1998 – Feb 1999 USD 21,745.00
2 Forest Resources Management Project ADB ADB ARD, Inc. was the Prime Contractor Nov 1998 – Jul 1999 USD 81,000.00
3 Sri Lanka Natural Resource Management Project – Feasibility/ Design Study AusAID AusAID Forestry Technical Services Pty Ltd. Australia was the Main Consultant.  Infotechs IDEAS provided the specified Sri Lankan consultant Feb 2000 – June 2000 USD 11,000.00
4 Energy Services Delivery Project – Sustainable Development of the Village Hydro Industry – Consulting Services on Policy Development The World Bank and Global Environment Facility DFCC Bank under the Energy Service Delivery Project N/A Nov 2000 -Feb 2002 472,500.00
5 Study on Forestry and Mangroves in Sri Lanka Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) N/A Feb 2001 – Mar 2001 482,500.00
6 Protected Area Management and Wild Conservation Project ADB Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Sri Lanka ARD, Inc. was the Prime Contractor and Infotechs IDEAS and GreenTech Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. were subcontractors Nov 2002 – Feb 2006 USD 689,166.00
7 Sri Lanka Australia Natural Resources Management Project AusAID AusAID URS Australia Pty Ltd. was the Prime Consultant and Infotechs IDEAS was the sub-contractor Feb 2003 – Jan 2009 AUD 224,352.00
8 Delivering Natural Resources and Environmental Management Project ADB ADB ANZDEC LIMITED was the prime consultant and Infotechs IDEAS was the sub-contractor Feb 2004 – Apr 2005 USD 139,397.00
9 Biodiversity Baseline Survey of Four Selected Protected Areas in Sri Lanka ADB Secretary, Ministry of Environment ARD, Inc was the Prime Consultant and Infotechs IDEAS has a subcontract with ARD Apr 2006 -Mar 2007 USD 149,441.00
10 Biodiversity Baseline Survey of Seven Selected Protected Areas in Sri Lanka (Extension) under the Protected Area Management and Wildlife Conservation Project ADB Secretary, Ministry of Environment and natural Resources Infotechs IDEAS was the lead firm in association with GreenTech Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. Oct 2007 – Oct 2008 USD 338,004.00
11 Initial Environmental Examination for the Septage Treatment Plants of Chilaw and Mannar Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project ADB National Water Supply and Drainage Board N/A Jul 2010 – Jul 2012 2,977,700.00
12 Providing of Professional Inputs for the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) for Detailed Designs of Upper Elahera Canal (UEC), Kaluganga Moragahakanda Link Canal and Mannakkattiya – Eru Wewa – Mahakanadarawa Irrigation System GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Main Consultant – Mahaweli Consultancy Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2013 – Jul 2013 1,450,000.00
13 Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of Proposed North Western province (NWP) Canal Project – Diversion of Mahaweli Water to Mi Oya and Hakwatuna Oya basins in Kurunegala District. Government of Sri Lanka Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Main Consultant – Mahaweli Consultancy Bureau (Pvt) Ltd Jan 2013 – Feb 2016 3,950,000.00
14 Provision of Professional staff for the Strategic Environment Assessment of Water Resources Development and Irrigation Development in Sri Lanka GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Main Consultant – Mahaweli Consultancy Bureau (Pvt) Ltd May 2014 – Feb 2016 3,950,000.00
15 Additional Environment and Social Study for Mundeni Aru River Basin Development Project AFD French Agency for Development (AFD) Main Consultant -SLR Consulting, France July 2019 – July 2020 Euro 37,900
16 Consultancy Services to Develop Master Plans for Pre-Identified Lagoons- Jaffna, Uppu Aru and Thondaman Aru (Cluster B) GoSL Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development (MFARD) Master Hellie’s Engineering Consultants Ltd. as the Lead Firm Oct 2018 – Oct 2020 5,600,000.00
17 Provision of Professional staff for the Strategic Environment Assessment of Water Resources Development and Irrigation Development in Sri Lanka GoSL Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resource Management Mahaweli Consultancy Bureau (pvt) Limited Dec 2016 – Dec 2018 8,284,312.50
18 Developing Capacity of Road Development Authority, Forest Department, Department of Wildlife Conservation for Implementing Climate Resilience and Habitat Connectivity Measures in Transport Operation. World Bank (WB) Road Development Authority (RDA), Forest Department, Department of Wildlife Conservation N/A Jan 22 – Sep 22 USD 45,500


No Project Name Funding Agency Client Partner Organization Contact Period Contract Value
1 Dairy Industry Policy and Strategic Plan for the Sri Lankan Government New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Sub-consultant of ANZDEC, New Zealand July 2007- April 2008 USD 20,150.00
2 Design of a Sri Lanka Initiative in Dairy Excellence Training New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Sub-consultant of FCG ANZDEC, New Zealand Sept 2014- Dec 2014 USD 16,800.00
3 Consultancy Services for Data Collection Survey on Appropriate Fertilizer and Pesticide Usage for Crop Diversification in Sri Lanka Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) N/A Jan 2016- March 2016 2,065,000.00
4 Sri Lanka Dairy Excellence Training Initiative (DETI), Extension Phase(Original Phase) New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Sub-consultant of FCG ANZDEC, New Zealand Feb 2016 –   Sep 2019 NZD 381,447.00
5 Hiring Service Provider (Research Team) from the National Agricultural Research System of Sri Lanka to Carry Out Policy Research in the Area of Food Safety The World Bank Project Director, Agriculture Sector Modernization Project, Ministry of Agriculture, 288, Sri Jayawardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya N/A Dec 2018 – Dec 2020 9,700,400.00
6 Electronic Phytosanitary Certification System for Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, Australia Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, Australia N/A July 2019- Mar 2022 19,195,750.00
7 Sri Lanka Dairy Excellence Training Initiative (DETI), Extension Phase New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade FCG ANZDEC Limited as the Prime Consultant July 2019 – Nov 2022 NZD 405,453
8 Stocktaking Study on Technologies, Practices and Strategies Promoted by the Smallholder Tea and Rubber Revitalization Project (STTARRP) for Tea Replanting and Rubber New Planting to Ensure Adaptability, Economic Viability and Livelihood Improvement of Tea and Rubber Smallholders International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Ministry of Plantation Industries N/A June 2023 – September 2023 LKR 7,360,000.00
9 Providing Drainage Facilities for the Guava Cultivation Farmlands Ipalogama Divisional Secretary’s Division – Anuradhapura District GoSL Ministry of Agriculture N/A Aug – Dec 2023 LKR 14,669,000.00
10 Consultancy for Agriculture Technology Demonstration Parks (ATDPS) for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOS) World Bank Ministry of Agriculture Sub-consultant of Cowater International (Former – FCG ANZDEC, New Zealand) Oct 2019 – Dec 2023 LKR 218,833,410.00


No Project Funding Agency Client Partner Organization Contract
1 Rapid Rural Appraisal and Questionnaire Survey under the Study for the Potential Realization of Irrigated Agriculture in the Dry and Intermediate Zones of Sri Lanka (Ref: RRA – 07/99) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) JICA N/A May 1999 – Jul 1999 5,765,625.00


Including G.S.T.

2 Evaluation Study on Minipe and Nagadeepa Projects JICA JICA N/A Feb 2000 – Apr 2000 182,000.00
3 Institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government (MPCLG) ADB (from the Japan Special Fund) ADB Associate partner of the Association AACM International Pty Ltd, Australia (Lead Firm) in association with South Australian Local Government Consulting, Australia and Infotechs IDEAS (Pvt) Ltd. Mar 2000 – Mar 2001 USD 83,700.00
4 Development of a National Policy on Involuntary Resettlement for Sri Lanka ADB ADB Sub-consultant of Acres International Limited May 2000 – Mar 2001 USD 25,592.00
5 Science and Technology Master Plan (Maldives) ADB ADB Associate partner of the Hickling Corporation, Canada (Lead Firm) in association with Canadian Technical and Vocational Group, Canada and Infotechs IDEAS (Pvt) Ltd. Aug 2000 – May 2001 USD 23,103.00
6 Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Systems Project ADB ADB Sub-consultant of PWCL Jan 2001 – Aug 2001 USD 9,600.00
7 TA No. 3697 – SRI: Support to Transport Sector for Resettlement Capacity Building ADB ADB N/A Aug 2001 – Mar 2002 USD 56,000.00
8 Sri Lanka Land Titling and Related Services Project International Development Association Sri Lanka Lank Titling and Related Services Project SAGRIC International Pty Ltd, Australia is the prime consultant and Infotechs IDEAS was the sub-contractor Mar 2002 -Dec 2004 USD 430,000.00
9 Social Training of Project Staff and Beneficiaries under the Poverty Alleviation and Microfinance Project (PAMP) Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Central bank of Sri Lanka N/A Aug 2003 – May 2006 17,000,000.00
10 Private Sector Assessment ADB ADB N/A Aug 2003 -Dec 2003 USD 14,300.00
11 Preparation of the Socio-economic Profile in Kalaoya Basin The World Bank Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka N/A Sep 2003 -Dec 2003 1,932,000.00
12 Post Evaluation of JICA Third Country Training Program on;
• Plant Genetic Resource Conservation and Management Training Program
• Quality Improvement of Apparel Products Training Program
• Digital Television Broadcasting Engineering
JICA JICA N/A Dec 2003 – Mar 2004 911,300.00
13 Overseas Training Programs, Exposure Visits under the Poverty Alleviation and Microfinance Project (PAMP) Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Central bank of Sri Lanka N/A Nov 2006

–  Feb 2007

Japanese Yen 12 Million
14 Study on Adolescent and Youth Reproductive and Sexual Health Not available Plan Sri Lanka, Kandy N/A Jul 2004 –
May 2005
15 Gamidiriya – Capacity Building of Support Organizations, Staff of District Teams and Field organizations Teams The World Bank Gemidiriya Foundation, Ministry of Samurdhi N/A Feb 2005 -Dec 2006 1,292,400.00
16 Socio-economic Baseline Surveys for Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa Districts ADB National Water Supply and Drainage Board N/A Jun 2005 -Feb 2006 1,322,876.00
17 Due Diligence of Proposed Assistance for Sri Lankan Infrastructure Development Millennium Challenge Corporation Millennium Challenge Corporation Main Consultant is URS Australia Pty Ltd.  Infotechs IDEAS provided the specified Sri Lankan consultant and provided secretarial services Jan 2006 – Mar 2006 USD 2,010.00
18 Poverty Alleviation Microfinance Project Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Regional Development Department of Central Bank of Sri Lanka N/A Aug 2003 –

Dec 2006

19 Sri Lanka Tourism Value Chain Study IFC SEDF IFC SEDF Carl Bro a/s, Denmark was the prime contractor and Infotechs IDEAS had a sub-consultancy agreement with Cark Bro a/s, Denmark Nov 2006 -Jan 2007 USD 7,413.00
20 Impact evaluation studies on micro/small enterprise support program International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Project Director, Regional Economic Advancement Project N/A Feb 2007 -Mar 2007 675,000.00
21 TA No. 4837-BHU: Preparing the SME/Microenterprise Development Program, Bhutan ADB ADB Infotechs IDEAS was the lead firm and in association with Kyingkhor Consultancy Services, Bhutan May 2007 -Oct 2008 USD 360,667.00
22 Identification of areas that need new laws, policies and regulations and identify the reasons of non-enforcement for laws in relation to control of Child sex tourism UNICEF Sri Lanka Tourist Board N/A Apr 2007 – Oct 2007 936,000.00
23 Fiduciary Assessment of Pilot Pradeshiya Sabhas The World Bank Gemidiriya Foundation, Ministry of Samurdhi N/A Oct 2008 -Mar 2009 1,000,000.00
24 Land Use Planning of the Southern Highway Corridor ADB ADB EGIS BCEOM International, France Oct 2008- Aug 2009 USD 43,760.00
25 Preparing the Deepening of Fiscal Management Reforms ADB ADB Maxwell Stamp LTD was the Lead Firm and Infotechs IDEAS was in association with Maxwell Dec 08 -on hold USD 27,500.00
26 Comprehensive Review of National Plan of Action (NPA) for Children of Sri Lanka for 2004-2008 and Formulate new NPA for 2010-2014 UNICEF UNICEF N/A Jul 2009 -Dec 2009 6,679,000.00
27 Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Framework for Sustainable Tourism Development Project The World Bank Ministry of Tourism N/A Mar 2009 – May 2009 958,500.00
28 Sri Lanka Enterprise Development (SLED) Project Scottish Government Challenges Worldwide Ltd. Challenges Worldwide Ltd. was the grant golder and Infotechs IDEAS was the local implementing partner. Jan 2012 – Mar 2013 16,491,999.20
29 Preparatory Person Trip Survey for Proposed Urban Transport Master Plan Study for Greater Colombo Area Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Joint Venture firm: Master Hellie’s Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. Jan 2012 – March 2012 3,984,175.57
30 Shelter Support to Conflict Affected internally Displaced People AusAID UNHABITAT N/A Oct 2012 -Dec 2012 1,355,000.00
31 Joint evaluation of MyRight funded programme & projects 2011/2013 MyRight MyRight N/A Aug 2013 -Dec 2013 1,220,571.43

(Including all the


32 Support to Expedite Data Feeding to the Database on Female Headed Households (FHHS)which was Established in the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs JICA JICA N/A May 2016 -Sep 2016 2,490,000.00
33 Mid-term Evaluation of two DPOs partnership initiatives in Sri Lanka Supported through MyRight MyRight MyRight N/A Jul 2016 -Sep 2017 907,000.00
34 Terminal Evaluation of JICA Assistance for Improving the Living Standards of the Resettled Families in the Northern Region Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) N/A Dec 2016-Jan 2017 2,463,550
35 Consultancy Services to Prepare a TVET Training Providers Institutional Development Strategy to Support the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Four Districts AusAID Skills for Inclusive Growth Project, Scope Global PTY LTD Scope Global PTY LTD was the prime contractor for the Skills for Inclusive Growth Project Jun 2018 -Oct 2018 4,085,843.54
36 Conduct a Mid Term Review on EU Projects in Batticaloa and Trincomalee UNICEF UNICEF N/A  

May 2011 -July 2011

37 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting in India Mechanism (CLAIM) USAID USAID Infotechs IDEAS provided experts to Grant Thornton India LLP, India May 2020 -Nov 2020 USD 23,700


No Project Funding Agency Client Partner Organization Contact
Contract Value
1 Skills Development Project ADB ADB The Centre for Development Management and Productivity Nov 1998 – Apr 1999 US$ 38,898.00
2 Post Project Monitoring – Three Projects in the Education Sector (Upgrading Equipment for the scientific Education of the Faculty of Science in University of Colombo, Improvement of educational equipment for faculty of Agriculture in University of Peradeniya, Improvement of the Audio-Visual Educational Centre in Open University) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) N/A Dec 1999 –   Jan 2000 149,550.00
3 Survey for Assessment of the Demand for Vocational Training Courses in the Nuwara Eliya District. NORAD Gamini Dissanayake Foundation N/A Jun 2001 –   Aug 2001 489,000.00
4 In Country Management of Australian Youth Ambassadors for Sri Lanka AusAID AusAID Austraining International Pty Ltd.
Main Consultant
Aug 2001 – Dec 2008 AUD 100,000
5 Sri Lanka Skills Development Project ADB Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training SAGRIC International, Australia Oct 2002 –   Oct 2006 7,223,196.00
6 Study on National Skills Development Policy ADB ADB Human Resource Investment Project managed by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC), Canada in association with Greentech Consultants (PVT) Ltd., Sri Lanka Nov 2003 –   Jan 2004 601,200.00
7 Consultancy Services for Ex-post Evaluation Study on Nursing Education Study in Sri Lanka JICA JICA N/A Feb 2006 –   Apr 2006 610,000.00
8 Study on Efficiency of Government and Non-Government TVET Provisions ADB Technical Education Development Project (Ministry of Vocational and Technical Training) N/A Feb 2008 –   Oct 2008 2,342,500.00
9 Logistical Support for the South Asia Scholarships Program (SASP) AusAID AusAID Coffey International Development Pty Ltd was the prime contractor Dec 2009 –   Jun 2012 AUD 31,000.00
10 Conduct Training Programs for Officials of Institutions under Ministry of Youth Affairs – Quality Management & Accreditation ADB Technical Education Development Project (Ministry of Youth Affairs) N/A Jun 2010 –     Jul 2010 4,843,500.00
11 Conduct Training Programs for Officials of Institutions under Ministry of Youth Affairs – Performance Monitoring and Evaluation ADB Technical Education Development Project (Ministry of Youth Affairs) N/A Jul 2010 –      Jul 2010 2,340,000.00
12 Conduct Training Programs for Officials of Institutions under Ministry of Youth Affairs – Training in Management and Planning for Market Responsive Institutions ADB Technical Education Development Project (Ministry of Youth Affairs) N/A Sept 2010 -Sept 2010 3,017,500.00
13 Study on the impact of the secondary modernization project – II under ADB Loan No: 2096: SRI(SF) ADB Ministry of Education N/A Jun 2011 – Aug 2011 2,235,000.00
14 Revision and Updating of Vocational Education and Training (VET) plan for Information and Communication Technology Sector Government of Sri Lanka Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development (IPID), Sri Lanka Oct 2015 – Mar 2018 1,690,000.00
15 Procurement of Friendly Procurement Guidelines, manual and Organizing Procurement Capacity Building Government of Sri Lanka Ministry of Education N/A Oct 2017 – Jan 2018 2,964,988.50
16 Consultancy Agreement for Petroleum and Lubricant Oil Testing Laboratory at Industrial Technology Institute Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) N/A Feb 2020-

July 2021
